Delivery & Returns



We ship our goods from Sweden with Dhl and Postnord (Sweden's local postal service) .
Shipping within European countries 1-4 working days with DHL. With the local postal service it can take up to 7 working days. Once the parcel has left Sweden please follow your order with your local postal service.
Shipping outside of Europe 4-7 working days. 
Once we ship your order you will receive a tracking number via email. Please note, we are not able to cancel your order once it has left our warehouse. 

Free shipping or reduced shipping does not apply to orders of discounted items.
Shipping fee Sweden
Free shipping with PostNord for orders over SEK 3000 
PostNord SEK 49
Shipping fee Finland
Free shipping with Postnord for orders over 300 € 
PostNord 10 
DHL 20 

Shipping fee rest of EU
Free shipping with PostNord for orders over 350 € 
PostNord 11 
DHL 20 
Shipping fee Norway, UK and Switzerland
DHL 15 € for orders over 200 € 
DHL  25 €

Shipping fee rest of the world
DHL $30 for orders over $200 
DHL  $48

Orders to countries outside the EU may be subject to VAT, import duties and/or taxes, which are levied once your package reaches your country and payable by the receiver. 


We are happy to refund any purchases within 14 working days from delivery.
Return fees
Sweden - SEK 49
Finland - SEK 99
Rest of EU -  SEK 115
Outside of Europe and EU  - Customer pays the shipping cost back
We will refund a product provided it is in original, undamaged packaging. Once we have received and accepted your return, we will make a refund of the value of the returned product. Shipping fees paid for the return are not refundable and the original shipping charges will not be refunded. Please contact Santosh to get the return slip.

Purchase outside the EU:
When returning the item you should add the shipping documents you received upon delivery, in order to avoid issues with customs. Include paperwork shipped to you with the new shipping documents placed in the slip on the outside of the package.  
Please send returns to:
Santosh Clothing 
Skogsklockevägen 1
181 57 Stockholm Sweden

Products that are used or damaged will be returned to customers at their own cost.
If questions regarding returns please contact, 
e mail :
phone : + 46 731 425060